Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tamiflu shelf life

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tamiflu dating extensions tamiflu and theraflu tamiflu prescribing [url=http://utenti.... tamiflu shelf life tamiflu dating extensions tamiflu prescribing directions for swine flu[/...

Author: JWilko75
Keywords: Tamiflu Swine flu influenza bird People Cold Heat imaging Mexico
Added: October 10, 2008

Author: JWilko75
Keywords: Tamiflu Swine flu influenza bird People Cold Heat imaging Mexico
Added: October 10, 2008

the first series of The Professionals. 'I discovered a spiritual path which is still the centre of my life, which involved teetotalism, meditation and so on,' he said. 'It was like a light of understanding and I stopped (drinking) overnight.' Some people But that doesn't mean state and local officials aren't hard at work preparing for it. Many experts predict that if a worldwide influenza were to hit the U.S., it would first be seen in California. The state is uniquely situated to be the first hit by the virus: It borders Mexico, has trans-Pacific t ...


Monday, June 15, 2009

Swine flu school closings

swine flu school closings

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Education leaders sought to reassure parents Wednesday that they had plans in place to deal with a potential swine flu pandemic and stressed that classrooms by and large remained safe places for children after President Barack Obama suggested that more schools may have to close. GITIKA AHUJA and DAN CHILDS ABC News June 11, 2009 A d v e r t i s e m e n t The World Health Organization appears poised this morning to formally declare that swine flu has reached the level of a full-blown pandemic, moving the viral outbreaks to a so-called phase 6 on the pandemic alert scale. WHO ... Lowell, MA – On Friday, June 6th there were 170 children sent home from the Lowell Community Charter School located at 206 Jackson Street, Lowell, MA according to one parent of a student who attends this school.... read more The comprehensive school system is not working and children are suffering, says the man who ran the country's schools until last year. Ralph Tabberer, the former director-general of schools, said not enough


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Swine flu jokes

swine flu jokes

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in last year's Baccalaureate address, President Drew Faust urged graduating seniors to make career choices for love rather than money; she began this year's address by noting just how much has changed since then. Alluding to bank failures, financial fraud, and the swine flu, she deemed this "the yea ... Swine Flu is a serious and concerning issue that requires our direct and immediate attention. Here are a few jokes that I've found on the internet over the last few days. I've heard the only cure is liberal application of this special oinkment. Been on the phone to the NHS about swine flu……but all I'm getting is crackling. My daughter woke up this morning in pigtails. Should i be worried? … You have to laugh at times like these, or else you might cry. Seriously though, this illnes Yesterday president Obama just renamed this new breed virus officially to 2009H1N1, not pig flu or swine flu anymore... which i think that misleaded the egyption to kill all their pigs in 1 night.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swine flu masks

swine flu masks

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Quarantine officers prepare to inspect an arriving plane at Narita Airport Believe it or not, I'm not going to write about dangerously crowded Tokyo trains, amazingly inefficient Japanese banks, or the fashionably dressed dogs in Setagaya. At least for the moment, I have a new soapbox from which to ... There have been lots of fun 'photoshopped' phony designer protective face masks on the web as a result of the world's fixation on this potential pandemic. But, someone has actually created and is selling some truly fun ones. Designer/Art Director Irina Blok has designed a fun series of 9 fashionable protective face masks given the present state of swine-flu panic. You can click on the images to enlarge. Leopard print, pill-popping and zipper: Beard, duct tape and piggy: Oink, skull Hudson, editing by Alan Baldwin; To query or comment on this story email From Our Frontpage Swine flu cruise ship arrives in BrisbaneYahoo!7 News 50 funniest phrases on TVYahoo!7 TV Prince Harry tours ground zeroYahoo!7


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can pets get the swine flu

can pets get the swine flu

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can pets get the swine flu
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OK - to get you up to date: 1. School year is over. 2. I have a busy summer planned, teaching online music appreciation, giving lessons (know anyone who wants to learn drums?), chasing Claire, practicing, prepping for a couple Fall classes, and, of course, biking. 3. I plan to keep busy because not ... Just watched Gran Torino. Walt reminds me of @ twmann . Hopefully he'll leave me a car. # Just finished a *really* close game of Settlers of Catan. @ septemberlily won with 10 points. Tasha and I had nine! # ONOMNOMNOM! PB&J sandwiches FTW! # on my way to Springs. It's going to be a great service! # ...

Author: RedDeerAdvocate
Keywords: Red Deer Advocate Central Alberta Arnold Van Ginkel farm cull hogs pigs swine flu H1N1 pandemic
Added: May 13, 2009

(Sports Network) - The Oakland Athletics have an opportunity to record their first three-game sweep of the season this afternoon. In order to do so, however, they'll have to break through against a